A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


1715 South 9th
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2018

A single grain of sand is indistinguishable from any other at the beach. But what if you were able to tell the difference? It would be time consuming but maybe with a microscope it could be possible. Its like looking down from a skyscraper upon a huge crowd that blankets a city center during a "New Years Eve" celebration. But the difference between humans and sand is that we only exist for a short period of time. So what really makes each individual that has ever existed distinguishable?

A picture captures a reflection of the exterior and an X-ray of the interior but both can not define who we are or were. The power humanity holds over the physical world is immense but it will still exist after we take our last breath. Is there more to us than what we know or see? Power is relative to knowledge and application but if one subjects themselves or is subjugated to ignorance than consciousness is redundant.

On April 4th 2013, I was following the unction of the paranormal by walking through south Philadelphia. When I got to 9th and Watkins streets I was told to "stop" and "look." In front of me was a church called "St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church" on the west side of 9th street. I was then told to "turn" and "talk" and as I turned around a man came out of a house behind me. His name was Brett O'Neill and I introduced myself and told him of my unique connection to the "invisible world."

He invited me in to take a look around and see if I could pickup on anything. I walked through the downstairs and nothing hit me except for the ghost of a small white dog. But as I ascendant the steps to the second floor I had a vision of a woman falling down the steps and passing away. He said nothing so I proceeded up the steps and looked around on the second floor. I didn't see anything until I came to the front bedroom where I felt immense sorrow.

As I approached the window on the north side of the room I seen a vision. I seen a man sitting in a single cushion chair starring out the window. He had a small table next to him with a glass next to a bottle of hard liquor. A voice said to me "he died here of a broken heart." I relayed this to Brett and he finally came out and said everything I picked up on was accurate. A couple lived for 60 years in the house with the woman dying by the steps and the man dying afterwards in the chair by the window.

Why was he starring out the window? That window overlooked the entrance to the church across the street. You could see into its sanctuary when the front doors were opened. I didn't know about the Saint in whom the church is named after until recently while writing this article. The connection is obvious and it mirrors my experiences. The bonds of true love run very deep and for some closure is extremely hard.

"St. Nicholas (1246-1305)" is an Italian Saint and Mystic who is the "Patron of Holy Souls." Early in his life he had a vision of an angel who told him to "go live in the city of Tolentino." He also had the paranormal experience of seeing the ghosts of the departed who would come and beseech him for help. He would later initiated prayers for those stuck in purgatory as a way to release them and to propel them forward.

St. Nicholas of Tolentino believed that he was an "instrument of God" and that his abilities came directly through "divine power." It is through this connection he was able to cause miraculous healings to occur. He joined the Augustinian Monks at the age of 18 and devoted his life to providing for the poor and helping those stuck in criminal activity.

During his life time Italy was divided between two factions. They were the Guelphs who were supporters of the Vatican and Papal supremacy. And the Ghibellines who were supporters of the Holy Roman Empire and its Emperor. St. Nicholas remained neutral in the conflict and while maintaining an independent stance he defused the friction in "his city" during the turmoil.

I believe St. Nicholas was greater than the Pope and the Emperor combined. And it is because he had one foot in this physical world and one foot in the invisible world. Popes and Emperors are appointed by flesh and blood. They are also militarily supported in order to maintain their position of authority. Where as St. Nicholas was chosen from above and was surrounded by angels and metaphysical energy. If either parties of the conflict were able to see purgatory like St. Nicholas did they wouldn't have put their supporters in harm's way.

If one refuses to listen to those appointed from above it is to their own shame and detriment (1 Samuel 28:13-19). Ghosts do exist (Luke 24:39) and certain people are chosen to be an "Intercessory Medium" (Isaiah 29:4) for those hindered by ignorance and trapped by dullness of piety. Always remember you are never alone and the eye of those above are forever looking down on those who distinguish themselves by what they do and say.